Alyssa's Fantastic Comm Journal!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Communications technology factors have had an increasing role in education. Whether it is the iMovie program or online blogs, students are now becoming more familiar with these factors and slowly leaving behind the use of dull textbooks and classroom lectures. With this change in educational methods, students are beginning to increase their intellectual success. Therefore because they allow a creative outlet for students, open more oportunities for learning, and make the work process much simpler, communicaions technology factors such as iMovie and Inernet blogs relate to academic success in high school students.

First, communications technology factors aid students because they allow students to become more creative. Programs such as iMovie give the opportunity for people to create and edit their own films. Not only do students get to transfer their ideas into film, but they also get to execute their movie exactly as they want it. They are entirely responsible for the music, transitions, effects, and many other aspects. Programs such as iMovie allow students to get in touch with their creative side. A child has no control over their education when it comes to studying math from a text book. Yet by making and editing a movie on the compupter, the child has endless opportunities. They will benefit more from learning to make their own decisions rather than hearing everything straight from a teacher. On top of that, it is much more fun than studying from a book. Communications technology has given students the chance to release themselves and enjoy their time spent in school. Therefore because of this, this factor contributes to academic success in high school.

Second, communcations technology helps students' education by adding more opportunities from learning. By creating an online blog, a student can choose to write entries. If a teacher assigns a paper, the student can write it straight into their blog, just as they would type it in a Microsoft Word document. Yet the different between communcation factors such as blogs and Word is that blogs provide more opporunities. Not only can a student write in their blog, but they can post links to other websites. They can add music, images, and even videos. Word, on the other hand, does not allow one to add online videos or music. Through blogs, students are given a better chance to post more educational content. Students are provided with more opporunties and they can get more creative. After all, who would rather read a boring Word document instead of an exciting blog, full of pictures and clips? Thus because it creates more room for educational content, communcations factors such as online blogs help students further their education.

Finally, communcations factors are related to academic success because they make the work process much simpler. If a student only had Microsoft Word, they would have to type and print every paper. Keeping track of all those papers can get messy. Yet with email and online blogs, keeping track of work becomes extremely simple. A student can simply mail a paper to their teacher, and then store it on their computer. Or they can easily post in their blog and save their entry, in which the teacher can quickly access. Also, with online blogs, if a student sees a website they like, they can create a link to that site to store on their blog. If they see a video they would like access to, they can simply add it to their blog. Communcations technology has made work easier to keep track of, and simpler to do. With email or a blog, a child does not have to worry about documents saving or papers being lost. Therefore because of this, communications factors help students find academic success.

In conclusion, commications technology factors relate to academic success and help students achieve much more through the learning process. Whether allowing students to get in touch with their creative side and enjoy their education, or helping ease the work process,these factors contribue much more to intellectual success than classroom textbooks do. Sure Blogger may not teach a child how to do Calculus; but in the grand scheme of things, what will a student benefit more from - the seemingly endless reading of dull chapters, or creatively adapting their ideas into other mediums?
