Alyssa's Fantastic Comm Journal!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Body
Message prompt

A commodity is a product that is not appreciated for its true value. Commodities are used to impress others. Both male and female bodies have become commodities themselves. People are often not appreciated for their true value. Very frequently, they are not treasured for their personality, intelligence, or sense of humor. Instead, too much attention is paid to their appearance. Though not always true, looks are typically considered to be the most important aspect of a person. Women and men therefore must devote a lot of time to their body. The most common reason for working out is not to stay healthy, but to look good. That is why steroids and eating disorders have become somewhat common today. Many people feel it is necessary to harm their bodies in order to look attractive by society’s standards. People are not valued because they are kind or loving. Instead, people are valued if they are considered beautiful. Thus, the human body has become a commodity.

The fact that the body is a commodity is disgusting. People should never be judged by their appearance. The way someone looks is not what is important. It only matters if someone is a good person. People should be treasured for their intelligence or personality. After all, it is much better to befriend a nice, fun person rather than someone entirely concerned with their looks. Just because someone does not meet society’s idea of beauty does not mean they are any worse of a person. It should never matter how someone looks, and therefore it is a horrible thing for the body to be considered a commodity. A body should never be used to impress others - character should be used to impress others.


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