Alyssa's Fantastic Comm Journal!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Medium prompt

A medium is defined as a mean of general communication or information. A few common mediums are radios, televisions, and photographs. However, Neal Gabler believes that none of the aforementioned is the biggest medium. In his essay, Gabler writes, “life itself has become the dominant medium of the new century.” This quote supports the idea behind celebrities. In many ways, celebrities have become the biggest way of spreading information. They can, intentionally or not, send out messages to the public. They have more influence that televisions, radios, and photographs do.

An example of this would be supermodels. Models typically put out an image of a skinny body, and are considered to be beautiful. As a result of this, many women of the public want to be skinny. Countless women feel that they need to look like a model if they are to be considered attractive. Models are therefore advertising the idea that women are most beautiful if they are thin. They are sending out a message to the public, just as a television or radio would.

Another example of this is what celebrities wear. Average people see what celebrities wear. Consequently, many want to copy the celebrity and dress the same way. Celebrities have set countless trends because the public feels it is “cool” to dress the way a celebrity does. People also want to look the way certain celebrities look. Britney Spears have their own perfume, Jennifer Lopez has her own clothing line, and the Olsen twins created their own cosmetics. Girls then want to smell like Spears, dress like Lopez, and wear the same makeup as the Olsens. These celebrities are, therefore, influencing people. They are giving the public an idea on what they should look or smell like. They are sending out a message just like a television would. Only Gabler believes that celebrities have grown to possess more power than televisions and other standard mediums. If one takes time to think about, he or she may realize that Gabler is on to something. After all, try to get through a single day without seeing a celebrity advertise a message, whether it is intentional or not.


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