Alyssa's Fantastic Comm Journal!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

"The Way To Rainy Mountain" by N. Scott Momaday
Medium Prompt

My sacred space is found in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Every year, my family and I go camping there. I make a point to visit my sacred space each and every time I go camping. To get to my sacred space, I have to take a long dirt path into the woods. It leads down to a stream with small fish and frogs. There are plenty of rocks to climb on in order to cross the stream. Every time I go there, I take time to sit on one of the bigger rocks in the middle of the stream. It is there where I can think about whatever I want. I can free myself from the entire world. All I hear is the calm sound of the stream. I hear no cars or conversations, and I see no one. My sacred space is the most relaxing place I know of, and probably the most beautiful place I have ever seen in person. I can remember exactly what the flowers look like by the stream, and I can vividly imagine the stream. If my sacred space was not so far away from my home, I would visit it almost every day.

The best way to represent my sacred space would be through a photograph. I feel as though words could never accurately describe the beauty of my space. Words could never get across the peace and calm one can feel there. A CD or essay could never truly describe the freedom I feel at my space, and its seperation from the world. Yet a picture would show its beauty and its peace. A photo would show its sharp contrast from the world outside. And because it is so peaceful as opposed to the outside world, the rock in the stream remains my personal sacred space.


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